
Tip To Wellness

It's the time of year when seasonal allergies are kicking into high gear, there's an overwhelming flurry of activities as school comes to an end, and people are desperately in need of a summer vacation. Maybe it's no coincidence that May is mental health month – a great reminder to slow down, take inventory of your mind, body and spirit and nurture those areas that have been neglected.

One of my favorite reminders to take pause in my day-to-day are visits from friends and family. These visits often lead to experiencing this amazing place I call home with new eyes. I believe it's also no coincidence that a friend that I haven't seen in over 15 years visited this month and introduced me to a new experience that nourished both my mind and body – a salt cave!!!

Now, I know some are of you are thinking that I've moved to Colorado and gone "all granola." Believe me, I was skeptical at first too. I did absolutely no research before I visited 5 Star Salt Caves in Denver. I only knew that I had an super annoying tickle in my throat from allergies and couldn't take a deep breath without coughing and my friend said that an hour sitting in this room full of salt was good for your health. What the what? However, mention anything spa-related and I'm all in. 

I was completely amazed when I walked into the calm, serene space. I found myself surrounded by 13,000 pounds(!) of Himalayan rock salt, a simulated night sky sparkling from above, and soft, ambient music. I laid down and was covered with a cozy blanket. For me, it was the perfect opportunity to empty all of the busy thoughts wrestling in my mind and focus instead on peace and prayer. One of my favorite verses is Psalm 14:10 – Be still, and know that I am God. This space certainly offered the perfect environment to do just that. At some point I actually drifted off to sleep and darn if I didn't walk out feeling rested, at peace, and able to breath fully without having the urge to cough since.

I'm sure you still have questions. Here's what I've learned:

What is a salt room?

A room reproduced as a natural salt cave offering salt therapy.  

What is salt therapy?

Salt therapy (also known as Halotherapy) is a drug-free treatment that uses salt vapor to treat ailments. "Halo" comes from the Greek work for salt. 

What are the benefits?

Salt therapy treats respiratory ailments such as asthma, allergies, sinusitis, bronchitis, and other respiratory illnesses. It can also help skin conditions such as psoriasis and eczema and combats mental lethargy. 

What are you doing to nourish your mind and body this month?


The Magnolia Story

How often do you have to brace yourself before logging onto Pinterest and Instagram or before sitting down to watch your favorite show on HGTV? During our chat over coffee, my friend admitted that she does just that – she has to control that urge to want to "re-do her life" from exposure to all that visual eye candy. Her comment resonated with me because I do exactly the same thing, and I bet we're not the only ones. It's so easy to fall into the trap of comparing yourself, your work, your home – your life in general – to all of those "perfect" examples bombarding you from every direction on TV and social media. There are days when I'm inspired, yet if I'm honest, most days I am left feeling down right discouraged. There's always someone out there who does things bigger and better. 

Joanna Gaines of Fixer Upper happens to be that "someone" for me. Her design style, her quaint farm life, laughter-filled marriage, and sweet family is a vision of inspiration. I was thrilled when she and her husband Chip wrote "The Magnolia Story" and I didn't hesitate to run out and get a copy. If there's one thing that I love more than experiencing someone's creations, it's unraveling their journey and secret to success.  

As I read their story, I was overcome that even as Joanna's designs started being featured in regional magazines, she admitted to feeling like a FAILURE. Can you imagine? She put so much pressure on herself to always have her home look clean and put together in order to grow her business and to meet others' expectations that it left her feeling exhausted and frustrated. 

Joanna shares, "That got me thinking about the pressure we women and moms are all under these days. It seems as if the standards are so much higher than they were just a few years ago, mainly because of what we see whenever we look on the Internet. 
It used to require some effort to feel like an inferior mom and wife. A woman would have to go to a newsstand and spend six dollars on a magazine to see the current societal standard of 'What my family and home are supposed to look like.' Now it just shows up on social media everywhere you look, and it always seems to be picture-perfect. That's all anyone seems to post – the perfect pictures of perfect families enjoying perfect moments. 
Along with that, I think everyone's expectations of themselves has gotten so much higher. I mean, honestly, as a stay-at-home mom, every time I had a moment to open Facebook or Pinterest I would walk away thinking, I'm not doing enough."

I felt like shouting, "Yes! That's me!!!" I spent years putting off starting my own blog because of comparing myself to those who have gone before me. If you're reading this, you know that I have finally jumped that hurdle. But most days, I still think that "I'm not doing enough."    

How can we get past this crippling attitude?  

Joanna came to the realization that instead of creating a home and using her gifts as a means of growing a business, her focus should have been on creating a space where she and her family could thrive. This awakening leads me to my favorite chapter in the book titled "Surviving or Thriving."

We all have a choice to make. We can focus on the wrong things by trying to achieve somebody else's idea of what perfection is or we can accept ourselves and live fully in the perfection of who we are and the home and family that we have. Stop obsessing about what others are doing and how they are doing it. Instead, follow Joanna's example and "flip your mental switch from surviving to thriving."

Life is always unpredictable. If you are merely surviving, the next time life throws you a curve ball (and you know it will!) you will drown. Makes sense, right? Joanna's "ah-ha!" moment was the revelation that she had to choose to thrive even through pain and difficult times. She claims that she makes this choice "every moment, on every day, with every decision" and the more focused she is on thriving – "the shorter those 'just surviving' moments seem to last."

I hope these words of encouragement helps you to have your own ah-ha! moment and to live your own perfect life – not anyone else's. Flip your switch and go thrive, my Huckleberries! 

Magnolia Fans:

Buy your copy of The Magnolia Story or listen to an audiobook clip of the book.

Catch up with Seasons 1 -3 of Fixer Upper and get ready to watch Season 4 of Fixer Upper beginning in late Fall on Tuesdays 9/8pm CST on HGTV.

Shop Joanna's farmhouse look at Magnolia Market. Below are my own Magnolia finds and how I dipslay them in my home.